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Strategic Marketing for Dental Practices: 5 reasons to target new college graduates

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Explore 5 reasons why dental practices should advertise to soon-to-be college graduates

Are you a dental practice owner wondering how to tap into the income potential of soon-to-be college graduates? As the end of summer approaches, families are going through a time of transition with kids heading off to college or starting new jobs. During times of change and uncertainty, people are looking for stability and reliable services. In this article, we will explore 5 reasons why dental practices should advertise to soon-to-be college graduates.

1. Growing Income Potential

As parents see their children embark on their professional journeys after college, they often experience an increase in their own disposable income. This heightened financial capacity allows them to invest more in their family’s health and well-being, including dental care. By targeting parents of soon-to-be college graduates, dental practices can tap into this growing income potential, presenting services and treatments that cater to their ability and willingness to spend. It’s a win-win situation for both parents and dental practices, as parents secure top-notch dental care for their children while practices generate higher revenue.

Two male executives shaking hands
(Young Executive Promotion)

2. Transitioning Insurance Coverage

As young adults venture into the professional world, they often leave their parents’ insurance plans and navigate their own coverage. During this transition, parents may realize that their insurance plans offer better coverage and benefits than what their children can currently access. By advertising to parents of soon-to-be college graduates, dental practices can showcase the advantages of utilizing their insurance plans, demonstrating how they can provide comprehensive dental care without compromising on quality or affordability. This positions dental practices as the go-to choice for parents seeking excellent dental services for their children.

3. Lifetime Value and Long-Term Relationships

By advertising to parents of soon-to-be college graduates, dental practices have the opportunity to establish long-term relationships and secure lifetime value. As these young adults embark on their professional journeys, they will continue to prioritize their dental health. By providing exceptional care during this critical transition period, dental practices can earn the trust and loyalty of both parents and their children. This paves the way for a lasting relationship, as the dental practice becomes their trusted partner for ongoing dental needs throughout their lives. It’s not just a one-time transaction; it’s an investment in long-term success.

Happy female with mirror sitting in dentist chair looking at healthy teeth
(Dental Checkup)

4. Word-of-Mouth Referrals and Expanded Reach

College graduation is a significant milestone that parents love to celebrate and share with their friends, colleagues, and social circles. By advertising to parents of soon-to-be college graduates, dental practices can leverage the power of positive word-of-mouth referrals. Satisfied parents who have experienced exceptional dental care for their children will naturally recommend the dental practice to others in their network. This creates a ripple effect, expanding the reach and visibility of the dental practice and attracting new patients. It’s a cost-effective way to generate organic growth and increase revenue.

5. Upselling and Comprehensive Services

When targeting parents of soon-to-be college graduates, dental practices have the opportunity to offer comprehensive services and upsell additional treatments. As young adults embark on their professional journeys, they may have different dental needs, such as cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, or advanced procedures. By showcasing a wide range of services and highlighting the benefits of these treatments, dental practices can position themselves as providers of comprehensive care. Parents, who often have a better financial standing and a desire to invest in their children’s well-being, are more likely to opt for these additional services, generating additional revenue streams for the dental practice.

Female dentist scanning teeth of woman
(3d Scan of Teeth)

Now that we’ve explored the 5 reasons why dental practices should advertise to soon-to-be college graduates let’s take it a step further. 

How can practices advertise to new college grads effectively?

1. Social Media Advertising

Social media is a powerful tool for dental practices looking to reach soon-to-be college graduates and their parents. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow practices to target specific age groups and locations. Creating engaging content such as patient testimonials, informational videos, and promotions can capture the attention of potential patients.

2. Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns can be an effective way for dental practices to stay in touch with previous patients and attract new ones. Sending reminders for regular check-ups, promoting services like teeth whitening, or providing educational content can keep the practice top of mind.

3. Referral Programs

As we previously mentioned, word of mouth referrals are crucial for dental practices. Referral programs can incentivize parents and other patients to refer friends and family to the practice. Offering a discount on services or a free consultation can encourage patients to spread the word.


In conclusion, dental practices that advertise to soon-to-be college graduates can attract long-term patients, create upselling opportunities, and benefit from word of mouth referrals. By targeting this group during a period of transition, practices can provide stability and reliable services during a potentially disruptive time. Utilizing social media, email marketing campaigns, and referral programs can effectively reach the target demographic. Investing in long-term healthcare needs and providing quality insurance can benefit both the family and the practice.Is your dental practice ready to tap into the income potential of soon-to-be college graduates? Start planning your marketing strategy today and reap the benefits in the future.

Don’t know where to start. Schedule a FREE consultation with our dental marketing experts.


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